Tandem Parachute Jumping in NJ

You've thought about it.

You've dreamt about it.

And now your research has led you here, to Garden State Skydiving.

Nothing compares to the feeling of jumping out of a moving airplane for the first time. And all the ideas you might have about what the first step will 'be like' won't quite measure up to the actual feeling. Get hyped up because this is truly fun stuff.

So, how does the process work?

Well, first, you pick a date. You can do that with our easy-to-use online booking tool here. Next, you drive out to our facility, arriving about 30 minutes before your reservation time. There's paperwork and such to fill out.

Once the quick check-in process is finished up, we'll pair you with your instructor. He'll go over what to expect in the airplane, how to maintain the correct body position in freefall and finally, what to do when the parachute opens.

Then you'll be off! Yep, it's really that simple.

The plane ride lasts about 20 minutes and takes you out over the Delaware River and the quaint river town of Frenchtown, New Jersey. Once you're just over 2 miles in the sky, the pilot will bring the plane back over the top of the airport. The door of the plane will open and a quick ready, set go -> You're off!

120 Mph. Fast, fun, extreme.

Are you ready?


How much does it cost to skydive in New Jersey?